Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Blog #1 Teen Pregnancy

Teen pregnacy is so important me because teen pregnancy is a reality. The presence of teen pregnancy affects me due to the fact I have a teenage brother. If the realization of teen pregnancy continues to go unnoticed it may have a dramtic effect on the U.S. population. Addtitionally the high-school drop out rates may signficantly increase. Thus less students teenagers will not enroll in college and futher their education. It is natural to feel sorry for these teenagers it is wrong to consider them victims based on the lifestyle choices they made. The time when families would sit around dinner tables and discuss their days has slowly faded into the background. They have been replaced by sitting in front of the television, to eating on the run. Thus leaving time for life lessons and conversations in the past. Children are less likely to talk to their parents about personal situations that may arise in their adolescent lives. This makes sexual abuse and safe sex education difficult to talk about, from parent to child and child to parent. Even in schools where sex education is taught, many parents disagree with informing children to the consequences of sex. I am interested by the publicity and television shows dedicated to advertise teen pregnancy. Whatever the case, teen pregnancy rates have continued to rise.

1 comment:

  1. I think you have a pretty good feel for this topic in terms of causes and effects. You can clearly articulate what has caused this problem to exist. You would do well to clarify why you feel it is acually a problem instead of just summaizing some of the facts. You do well to mention some of the reasons above, but you don't actually label them as problems and instead leave it up to the reader to fill in the blanks. By clearly labeling the problems as problems, you will be in a better position to discuss solutions. If most of your paper is about the problems, that is okay, but I would have at least a page of possible solutions.
