Thursday, June 24, 2010

Blog # 7 Reading

I Think I handle opposition in a diverse ways. It really depends on the problem or situation I’m faced with at that present time or moment. I have been faced with a certain situation involving racism like in the story The Fourth of July. I would have to say, its not easy dealing with such ignorant thing like that. I know it went on in the 40’s, But in this day in time it does still exists. I came from a very small town call Jasper Texas. It not as bad but you can catch little racial things here and there. Sometime you just have to be the bigger person and just walk away. So I can relate to the story when they were told they couldn’t eat in the ice cream shop and they just acted like it really wasn’t really big deal even though they were infuriated about it. Its good they kept to themselves, they did not need any trouble. T best thing they could have done was to go on about their business. With me growing up in jasper, that is what I would have done under the circumstances. Another state of affairs that seems to come to mind, an additional story called Handling Room 15. This story is concerning a woman who volunteers for a home that has severely retarded children. However, going into this situation she thinks she could handle anything that comes to. She realizes that it was not that easy to handle a job like after spending a couple of hours in a room with a child named Daniel. Daniel had developed feelings for her and the feeling he had, not once he had for anybody else. The staff in the home had encouraged her to come back because Daniel had never become close to anyone before. As the day went on she tried to convince herself to come back to visit. As time went on she never came back. If I was in her shoes, I would have probably went back to see the guy just because of he was different the rest of us. Even thought some things in life are hard to deal with it is best to stand up and face it. There will always come a time where things may seem impossible or it may feel like you would want to walk away. The best thing to do is do is handle things the best way can and what you feel is right and go for it.

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