Sunday, July 11, 2010

Blog # 10 How To loose weight

First you must have confidence in your self. You should know the exact reason that stimulates you to reduce your weight. This will help keep you motivated to your weight loss system. Second, set an achievable goal for your weight reduction. If the aim is not practical then you will easily get discouraged and stop following your diet. You must set a target that has a time limit. The amount of weight you want to lose and the time within which you would like to lose it should be decided beforehand. Next, determine your daily caloric intake. Losing weight is simply an activity. Lower your calories intake without starving. Write down all the things you eat on a typical day. Carry a small notebook with you and write down every snack, every drink, and the contents of every meal. Do an itemized calorie count. When possible, write down the number of calories in each thing you eat as you eat it. Go over the list and decide which foods to cut out or reduce. Seek out alternatives to the unhealthy foods. You can simply reduce the amount of soda you drink or mayonnaise you put on your sandwiches, or you can substitute healthier choices. Drink water instead of soda, for example, or use mustard instead of mayo. Low-fat and low-calorie options are also available for most foods, and many of these are natural, although some are made with strange chemicals and tasty. Start trying to eat healthy in most meals: Choose lean meats. Chicken and fish are both very low in fat, and certain fish like salmon, sardines, and fresh tuna are a very good sources of antioxidants and Omega-3 fatty acids, which are also beneficial to your health, so aim to replace some or all of the beef or pork in your diet with these foods. Next, plan your meals, watch your portion sizes. When eating chips, nuts, or dried fruit, put a portion in a small bowl and then put the bag away. That way you won't mindlessly eat a larger portion than you had intended. A great way to watch portion sizes while snacking is to buy one serving 100 calorie packages and they come in many favorite snack food items! Eat slowly to avoid overeating; you will get satisfied with less calories. Get more fiber. Fiber keeps the right amount of water in your intestines, making your digestive system work more efficiently and helping to keep you regular. Next, drink plenty of water. Adequate water is essential for health, and a great many people simply don't get enough. What's more, if you're chronically dehydrated, your body will retain water in unflattering places, so if you make sure to get plenty of fluids you can start visibly trimming down in as little as a day. Remember, the more you exercise, the more water you'll need. Drink one glass of water before your meal; it will help digestion and also to get the sensation of fullness in your stomach that will keep you from overeating; that in combination with eating slowly, will allow you to stop eating when you are satisfied, not when you already ate too much. If you eat too fast you can get full, even bloated but still be hungry. The most important is Exercise. Remember, you can lose weight either by decreasing your calorie intake or increasing the number of calories you burn. Any health strategy should include both, but if you want to lose weight fast, exercise is essential. Perform low impact aerobic activites. some iron. Resistance training, weight training, can help both sexes stay lean by building muscle and raising metabolism. Get plenty of rest. You also have to be realistic, Don't expect a miracle. Healthy weight loss can be achieved fairly quickly, but you'll need to be patient. Make adjustments, A successful weight loss strategy based on reducing calorie intake and increasing activity can be adjusted to maintain your desired weight once you reach it. Be confident.You need to believe in yourself! If you want to diet, and you know that it will make you feel better, then you need confidence. Otherwise, the temptation to cheat on your diet will make it harder, and you will not feel better when you do lose weight. Avoid temptations like chocolate, ice cream, and cookies. Be consistent and disciplined, and have self motivation. To lose weight effectively, you need to stick to your weight loss plan religiously so as to see results. When you think about giving up, visualize the benefits of slimming down successfully. After you achieve your targets successfully, you must maintain your weight loss. You must form a way of life that is healthy for you. Make certain that you don't gain back the weight you lost by returning to your old eating habits.

Blog # 9 "Bombs Bursting in Air" - Pursuit Of Possessions"

"Bombs Bursting in Air"

1. blind us, like fireworks at the moment of explosion

2. sense of vulnerability began to subside

3. impenetrable bomb shelter

4. feeling of being cocooned within reassuring walls of security and order

5. intertwining threads of joy, pain, and occasional tragedy

6. really tilted my universe was the nakedness of my realization

7. bomb that exploded in Shannon's home sent splinters of shrapnel into ours

8. I found myself shaken to the core of my being

9. bombs in their mist like troops under attack

10. as we grew older the bombs dropped closer

"Pursuit Of Possessions"

1. essential to our well-being

2. fashionable pants

3. inevitable happens

4. shopping expeditions

5. sleek new sports care

6. compulsive need

7. working madly

8. dominate our lives

9. pursuit of material possessions

10. indispensable possessions

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Blog # 8 Shotting An Elephant

1. Hideous laughter
2. Sneering yellow faces
3. Scored a trench
4. Expression of unendurable agony
5. Scandalizing cry
6. Devilish roar of glee
7. Grinning corpse
8. Desperate slowness
9. Long rattling gasps
10. See far down the caverns of pale pink throat

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Blog # 5 Compare&Contrast Pics

It is known that being skinny is much more attractive than being overweight in the world. Both models are using partial nudity to their advantage as a way of selling something to the public. The plus size models, one whom would not be the typical ideal woman for modern day society, according to magazines, celebrities, and movies. Most poeple believe that thin is in in this day in age .The curvy model is beautiful and sexy but looked upon as overweight or even unsexy. So many icons have struggled with eating disorders, being too thin and unhealthy. This has put pressure on girls everywhere to reach a certain standard. Take a closer look ... and you will see that they are the same person. Torcarra Jones is formally know for her apparance on America Top Model. She as struggle with her weight for along time. She is a hot body now considering what she look like back then.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Blog # 6 Abortion Claim

My claim is why is why do some people think that abortion is not immoral.
In my opinion abortion is immoral. Since life beings at conception abortion is liken to be murder as it is the act of taking human life. Abortion is in direct defiance of the commonly accepted idea of the sanctity of human life. I feel that abortions are just selfish, cruel, and just plain wrong. I could not imagine living with the guilt of taking another's life, especially the life of some thing that I created. I can understand that having a baby might ruin someone's life or so they may think but what about the life that you are ruining, when they have an abortion. In a way, it is taking away a piece of them, an apiece that they will never be able to get back.

Blog # 7 Reading

I Think I handle opposition in a diverse ways. It really depends on the problem or situation I’m faced with at that present time or moment. I have been faced with a certain situation involving racism like in the story The Fourth of July. I would have to say, its not easy dealing with such ignorant thing like that. I know it went on in the 40’s, But in this day in time it does still exists. I came from a very small town call Jasper Texas. It not as bad but you can catch little racial things here and there. Sometime you just have to be the bigger person and just walk away. So I can relate to the story when they were told they couldn’t eat in the ice cream shop and they just acted like it really wasn’t really big deal even though they were infuriated about it. Its good they kept to themselves, they did not need any trouble. T best thing they could have done was to go on about their business. With me growing up in jasper, that is what I would have done under the circumstances. Another state of affairs that seems to come to mind, an additional story called Handling Room 15. This story is concerning a woman who volunteers for a home that has severely retarded children. However, going into this situation she thinks she could handle anything that comes to. She realizes that it was not that easy to handle a job like after spending a couple of hours in a room with a child named Daniel. Daniel had developed feelings for her and the feeling he had, not once he had for anybody else. The staff in the home had encouraged her to come back because Daniel had never become close to anyone before. As the day went on she tried to convince herself to come back to visit. As time went on she never came back. If I was in her shoes, I would have probably went back to see the guy just because of he was different the rest of us. Even thought some things in life are hard to deal with it is best to stand up and face it. There will always come a time where things may seem impossible or it may feel like you would want to walk away. The best thing to do is do is handle things the best way can and what you feel is right and go for it.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Blog #4 Porn On Airplanes

I do not share the views that this is always appropriate, depending on the context of the sexuality. But to say that seeing sexual activities on an air plane doesn't sit well with me at all. This can do harm to children mentally and emotionally, especially younger children, it is completely ignorant. It can sometimes have similar effects as harassment does on young, malleable minds. I believe that pornography should be restricted on airplanes, especially because not all people share the same views on pornography. Just because you paid for the seat that doesn't mean that you have the right to subject people to illicit content.As for what can be deemed inappropriate...I think airlines would be safe if they stick to the same guidelines that workplaces. I fear that there will be lawsuits to arise if airplanes allow pornography. Parents and concerned citizens may feel that their rights are violated due to this. If airlines are to allow this type of movies, they will need to have signed permission slips from each flyer along with the staff aboard the plane. This would add to the paperwork for the airline, and also decrease the number of people who choose to fly.